Present your furniture in every color, texture and finish.

Do you have a wide selection of product variations, but they have not as yet been produced or photographed? Then we have the perfect solution for you: from colour to texture to finish, with just one base image we can create with every single product variation you want to offer. Whether from blue to green, fabric to leather or beech to oak - we create true-to-life images of the highest quality. Fast, easy and in large batches.

You want to showcase your variety? Then you've come to the right place. We are more than happy to help you.

Email us!

Base images

You provide us with the base image and your desired fabric samples and we will create realistic product variations for you.

Result 1: Recolor

Result 2: Retexture leather

Result 3: Retexture weave

You want to showcase your variety? Then you've come to the right place.

Email us!

Andreas Musholt
We are more than happy
to help you.
+49 2564 3922–0